Very Rev. Fr. Nicholas Speier
Pastor Emeritus
Pastor Emeritus, Very Reverend Father Nicholas Speier, was born and raised in Alameda, California. He has been active in the church and in church ministry since 1971, was ordained a priest at St. Athanasius Church in 1987 and was Senior Pastor at St. Athanasius from 1991 until his retirement on December 31, 2021.
Fr. Nicholas began his work in ministry after his graduation from the University of California at Santa Barbara. As a credentialed teacher and trained administrator, Youth Ministry and Education were always close to his heart. He has a Masters of Orthodox Theology from St. Athanasius Academy and continued his studies through clergy seminars. Over the years, Fr. Nicholas has become more and more involved in the parish's ministry to the unsheltered community, and intends to continue to participate in that ministry. It is with a thankful heart that he continues to work alongside Fr. Symeon as a support to him at St. Athanasius parish.
Fr. Nicholas is a member of the Board of Directors of St. Barbara Monastery and it has been his joy to help and support the work of Mother Victoria and the sisterhood. He also serves locally on the Board of The Showers of Blessing, a non-profit organization that provides showers five days per week in different locations throughout Santa Barbara. One of the host locations is St. Athanasius Church.
Father Nicholas is married to Khouria Jan Speier, and is blessed to be the father of four children, grandfather of twelve, and great grandfather of five. In his spare time, he enjoys golf, exercising, baseball, gardening, and spending time with his family.