
April 26, 2013

The slab is poured! See the photo gallery

September 2012

Revised building permit approved

Groundbreaking ceremony at the site with parish members and local officials

August 2012

Hollister road widening complete, Sumida Gardens open on south side of Hollister

June 2012

Parking lot paved

Construction on Hollister begins to widen road, add left turn lane on North/West bound side, and change traffic signals

Golf Tournament fundraiser to benefit the building project is a HUGE success (see the golf tournament page for more information)

March 2012

Pad for fellowship hall finished

Sumida Gardens Road widened per Fire Department requirements

Retention Basin completed

Water Co., Cox, Edison, and Verizon plans submitted and waiting approval


Construction of new Church and Administration building to begin


After years of negotiating and processing, received approval from the Planning County Commission by a 5-0 vote with construction to begin in three years


Selected Ekona as project architect


Purchased new property (with approximately 22 acres) on Hollister Avenue in Goleta


Sold IV parking lot and land to IV Parks & Recreation


Purchased one and half acres next to church in IV