Women's Fellowship
The Women's Fellowship group strives to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship and service.
We have had a variety of meetings including flower arranging, wreath making, and flower painting. We try to use the talents of women in our parish to instruct others. Sometimes we have had personal testimonies of God's faithfulness or the life of a saint.
To begin our fall season this year we had a choice of two meetings: one a Friday afternoon tea and the other a Saturday morning coffee. Besides food and fellowship we viewed a beautiful DVD produced by St. John's Orthodox Church in Memphis, TN, tracing their history from Campus Crusade days and celebrating their twenty years in Orthodoxy. It was very moving and many of us identified with their spiritual journey.
Before the holidays we had a "Christmas Coffee" at the Church. We filled thirty-three large gift bags with practical items for a women's recovery program as well as some for their children. We also had a discussion looking for ideas for the formation of a group for the young girls in our parish to be called the Myrrh Bearers.
Our main event of the year is our annual Annunciation Tea, scheduled in March. The program usually features a speaker and special music by some of our women. At this event we raise funds for whatever special project has been designated by Metropolitan PHILIP. For several years we raised money to help our orphanages, and recently we have contributed to the Clergy Retirement Fund.
Women's Fellowship meetings provide opportunities for Christian fellowship and encouragement as well as reaching our with a helping hand to those in need.