Parish Council
The central roles of the Parish Council are to support the ministry and clergy of the church, to oversee financial matters, and to provide leadership and guidance to implement the mission of St. Athanasius Church: That being rooted and grounded in love and humility, we may experience and manifest the love of Christ and the fullness of the church within our congregation and our community.
The Council meets monthly, 10 times a year, and according to the constitution of the church "shall be the representative of the St. Athanasius Orthodox Church in the administration of its properties and affairs." The constitution goes on to state that "it shall be the continuing duty of the Pastor and the Council to seek out, value, and consider the ideas, recommendations, and questions of the parish membership on all administrative aspects of the parish's life and work."
Parish Council members take our mandate very seriously and would welcome feedback from the congregation. Feel free to speak to any members listed below.
St. Athanasius Parish Council Members 2023-2024
Lara Jacobs, Chair
Glenn Hoppe, Vice Chair
Dan Braun, Treasurer
Asia Ballew, Secretary
Dominic Dopico
Kristin King
Michael Loulias
Velislava Nikolov
Mission/Vision of St. Athanasius Parish (click here to see document)
Summary of All-parish meeting/World Cafe discussion groups (click here to see document)
Executive Summary of Parish Survey results